A Light at the End of the Tunnel

For the first time in a long time things are going in the right direction. I can finally start saving money again. The stress is gone.

This last year has extremely difficult. I was homeless for three months and spent the last month of homelessness out on the street. I spent most of my money on my surgery last year, moving to New York and then after having been kicked out by my roommate, I spent money applying for other rentals and on lodging at hotels and hotels which was more than three to four times more expensive than the rent I was paying then and the rent I am paying now.

I wasn’t sleeping well. My health was deteriorating and I was getting extremely depressed.

But I am renting a room now in a good neighborhood. I am finally back on a steady financial footing. I can start putting money back into my savings instead of constantly taking it out.

Things are looking up. Oh and my birthday is coming up next month on Halloween. I am turning 40 this year so I have a lot to look forward to. Hopefully the worst is over and the best is yet to come.

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